
Hello Students of Class 104,

Do read this blog regularly to check out the information concerning our Math lessons, such as Tests, Homework, etc.
Note that these topics will be taught in Term 2.

Term 2 Topics:
[1A] Ch 4 Introduction to Algebra
[1A] Ch 5 Algebraic Manipulation
[1A] Ch 6 Simple Linear Equation in One Unknown
[1B] Ch 9 Ratio, Rate and Speed
[1B] Ch 16 Data Handling
[2B] Ch 10 Data Analysis

13 Apr 2012

Today is e-learning day.  Please log on to your account at using your NRIC/Fin Nbr.

First click on the Calendar icon and look for the Resource header under column 'Fri 13/04'.  Click the Instruction Sheet link and it will down a document to your PC.  Read this document before you proceed any further.

If you have difficulties printing out the worksheet, look under the Resource header and click the e-learning worksheet link.  It will download a MS Word document to your PC.  Then print out this document and answer all questions on the question paper.

Happy e-leaning and complete your online quiz and worksheet.